Theories Archives - SunFlowerCosmos Tue, 22 Mar 2022 12:42:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Theories Archives - 32 32 The Theory of Nothing Sat, 19 Feb 2022 06:57:51 +0000 Human concept about Nothing Human concepts depend on human perceptions. If we […]

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Human concept about Nothing

Human concepts depend on human perceptions. If we say there is nothing in the bottle. As per human concept it just means the bottle is empty. And it doesn’t contain anything that we thought of. Perhaps nothing is similar to none. That means the thing in the bottle is no longer available there. The real fact is that to have nothing in the bottle there must be vacuum inside the bottle. The bottle should not weigh oxygen air too. 

The void is the total absence of matter. This would be a perfect vacuum. Space is not a perfect emptiness and it is difficult to say whether a perfect emptiness can exist. An emptiness is the true concept of nothing. And, it is not the true form of nothing. The thing is our concept of nothing and the true form of nothing are two different things.

The true state of nothing is neutrality. Balance between charges in a perfectly organised atom. This perfect atom you can call it the Null Atom. This atom of nothingness is made up of particles of matter and antimatter bound together and separated by neutrons. The null atom is made up of the proton, neutron, electron and their antimatter counterparts. All are attached and continue to destroy each other from neutrons.

The Nothing Universe

We do not know the exact layout of these particles in this perfect atom, but this is irrelevant. All this is an important concepts that everyone in this perfect atom. The electron and the positron do not annihilate with each other, because they occupy different orbital lobes. Again, we do not fully understand the exact supply or arrangement of this atom. They only existed.

Whatever the perfect arrangement, this perfectly neutral Nothing Atom is the only thing that existed in the pre-universe and constituted the whole of infinity. There was no free space between these atoms. There was no movement. Therefore, there was no concept of time. We can use the concept of infinity to give us an idea of ​​the state of the universe up to the point of the event.

Universe of perfect nothingness

Now, we have the universe of perfect nothingness. That is composed entirely of the neutral and perfect Atom of Nothingness. All energy is hermetically seals in the form of particles that make up this universe from nothing. This is the state of the pre-universe (No Universe) in all directions towards infinity. Now, here comes the great dilemma of this theory. Maybe it was nuclear fission or some unknown process originating from this particular form of matter?

Something had to happen in just one of these perfect atoms of nowhere for it to destabilize and start a chain reaction. Is the null atom a very heavy element, where fission would make sense, or is it smaller and some other reaction has occurred? We’re not sure about this. What we do know is that something had to create a destabilization of one of the particles within the atom to trigger an irreversible chain reaction that would have led to the birth of the known universe. We can refer to this as the EVENT.

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Amazing Information on Vedic Theory of Universe Mon, 24 Jan 2022 06:00:00 +0000 Vedic cosmology is the ancient way of knowing the cosmos and planet’s […]

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Vedic cosmology is the ancient way of knowing the cosmos and planet’s mysteries. Scientists are experiencing difficulties to decode the vedic cosmology declarations along with the accurate calculations. Slowly and gradually, some scientists find the similarities between new discoveries and in the ancient vedic cosmology declarations. Thus it is well known that vedic cosmology holds some degree of merit. 

Scientists mentioned that our universe was created from 13. 8 Billion years before from a small single dot atom. Scientists too agree on it and stated that the dot atom has enormous collected matter in it. Eventually, the atom started expanding and its speed was very faster than the speed of light speed. And because of it our huge and expansive universe was created and till now our universe is in an expansive state. This theory is named by scientists as “The Big Bang Theory”. This is the only theory that all research scientists and astrophysicists agree upon and have trust. But religious texts didn’t agree on such theories which are proposed by the great scientists.

Vedic Theory of Universe

In Vedic Scripts, it is said that there is no such process to create the Universe. But these Religious texts conflict with the idea of Universe creation with Scientist’s theories. 

Various mysterious things presented in Vedic Theory of Cosmology. This theory is not just based on beliefs and myths but Science and physics is also the base of it. Ancient Asian people were highly intelligent and thus many inventions took place first in India. 

Importance of Mathematics

Invention of zero by Aryabhatta. Without zero there is no subject of mathematics. And if there is no mathematics then we cannot do research on Universe mysteries. It is said that mathematics is the language of the Universe. Physics and astronomy subjects include mathematics in it and because of it we can understand the symmetries of the Universe and how it works. Scientists claim that string theory is similar to Vedic Rasmi theory. As per this theory it is the only fundamental unit of our Universe. Research of Scientists stopped on this string theory, but Vedic text mentioned advanced research theories on this string Theory. Vedic Cosmology mentions that the Universe’s very fundamental thing is “Prakriti ” i.e Nature.

Vedic scientists believe and state that our Universe is neither created nor can be destroyed. It was there and existed as it has for several many years and ages. Universe never born. But the Universe was in an inactive state before it started to vibrate its materials. Vibration plays an important role in formation of small to huge cosmic materials and planets in the Universe. Because of vibrations the Universe still exists. Earlier scientists used to say “Atom” is the very unit of matter. But on later research they found out that there is more small unit than the atom and it is called an electron. Its charge was negative -ve. Then scientists get curious to do further advanced research on tiny particles. The discovery of more tiny particles started but the power of instruments lags behind. So a large hadron collider was created, and it is present in Switzerland. 

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What Vedic cosmology say about Planets? Thu, 20 Jan 2022 12:03:18 +0000 The vedic cosmology is very inspiring to the emerging and experienced scientists […]

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The vedic cosmology is very inspiring to the emerging and experienced scientists and learners too. The cosmology and cosmography of vedic philosophy is great to introduce to those interested in the planets. Vedic texts are the ancient important texts. It is the doctrines shared with humans. It is as ancient as 3000 B.C. Upto today, Vedic text is the first ancient religious doctrine present on the earth. It mentions several planetary discoveries and understandings of modern astronomy. The things modern scientists discovered are already mentioned in these texts. This shows how advanced human intelligence was! 

Ancient humans

It proves that humans had advanced the mysterious knowledge of astronomy. That too about thousands of years in advance. Today the modern civilization is gradually missing those texts and the quality knowledge they use to carry forward in generations. This article describes the planetary systems from top to bottom within innumerable universes of this material world. In the cosmic manifestation there are two separate worlds. One is the spiritual world and the other is the Material world. In the spiritual world the planetary systems are eternal and boundless. They are beyond materials and material universe.

They belong to the Super dimensional or anti material dimension. These eternal realms are beyond the material world and have limitations of material time and space. Eternal world is beyond human powers of perception and vision. There is no creation and destruction in this realm and there are unlimited planets. Such planets are indestructible and eternally existing. There are portrayals of these otherworldly planets in the vedic literary works, yet this article focuses on those inside the material universe.

Material world or universe is bound by the influence of material time and space. Material world is created at some point of time and will get destroyed at other points of time. Its creation and destruction is inevitable. The two energies like spiritual and material are of the same source called brahmajyoti. Brahmajyoti is known as the spiritual light. The 1/4th of the Spiritual light is covered by mahat-tattva. Mahat-tatva is the material energy. In material energy, there are unlimited material universes. Remaining 3/4th portion of the brahmajyoti is the eternal spiritual sky. Goloka dharma and Hari dharma are the two realms of the spiritual world. The material world has one domain called “Devi-dhama”.

About Goloka-dhama

Goloka-dhama is the highest planet and home of the Supreme Godhead Sri Radha-Krishna. Underneath this is Hari-dhama where the profound planets of the Vaikunthalokas are arranged. Underneath the Vaikuntha planets is “Mahesh-dhama”. It is called Sadasivaloka, or the dwelling place of Lord Shiva. This is the domain partitioning the otherworldly from the material universes. Beneath Mahesh-dhama is a Devi-dhama, the domain of the material universe. It is said that the frameworks of yoga offer various destinations. Bhakti yoga guides one toward entering Hari-dhama or Goloka-dhama. Jnana yoga guides the hopeful towards access to Mahesh dhama. And karma yoga guides one to stay in Devi-dhama. You get encountered with repeated birth and passing in the material universe.

The Planetary Systems of Devi-Dhama

In the Bhagavad-Gita we observe an explanation that there are three divisions of material planets in our universe. They are “urdhva-loka” (most elevated), “madhya-loka” (center), and “adho-loka” (lower). Over the urdhva-lokas are the covers of the material universe past which lie the everlasting domains of presence. Inside these three circles of presence are 14 primary planetary frameworks with various norms of life and term of presence. The inhabitants of the upper three frameworks have practically no sickness or maturing of the body, and they have pretty much no clue of dread. As the planetary frameworks progress, descending there is lesser duration of everyday routine and standard of experiencing. It is a more noteworthy indication of illness and uneasiness.

The 14 planetary frameworks are named as follows, from most elevated to least:

1) Satya-loka

2) Tapa-loka

3) Jana-loka

4) Mahar-loka

5) Svar-loka

6) Bhuvar-loka

7) Bhur-loka

8) Atala-loka

9) Vitala-loka

10) Sutala-loka

11) Talatala-loka

12) Mahatala-loka

13) Rasatala-loka

14) Patala-loka

About planetary frameworks

In one of the Vedic sacred texts called the “Hari-vamsa” there is a portrayal as follows: “Over the planetary frameworks where people live is the sky. Over the sky is the circling sun, which is the entry point of the superb planetary frameworks. This is the center of the universe where the planets are raised by incredible starknesses and retributions. The planets over these, up to Satya-loka, are the homes of those cutting-edge in profound information. This large number of planets are inside the material world. It is strongly influenced by Devi Goddess Durga and called as Devi-dhama.”

The expression “amara” (deathless) is frequently used to portray the occupants of the grand planets. As their range of life is incomprehensible to us. The fact is they live for a long period of time. According to the observations, none inside the material universes can live here endlessly. In Bhagavad-Gita there is given a portrayal for the life expectancy of those living on Satyaloka. One day is equivalent to 4,300,000,000 sun based years. On other eminent planets the day is considered to approach a half year within recent memory. And the night is equivalent to a half year on the planet. These spirits live in their bodies for 10 million of their years.

Time length like day, night, months, and years are different in various planetary frameworks. There are various sorts of people, creatures, trees, and vegetation. A portion of the planets that are apparent to us are viewed as wonderful planets with various timings. Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon are instances of planets where one day is equivalent to a half year on the planet.

This is just the brief information of How and what Vedic cosmology talks about the Universe.

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Religious perspective of Amazing Planets Sun, 09 Jan 2022 07:21:14 +0000 One perspective that might be challenging for some to comprehend is significant […]

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One perspective that might be challenging for some to comprehend is significant to this realization. All planets have various aspects and dimensions encompassing them. The element of presence noticeable to our eyes. It gives us the feeling that different planets in our planetary group are for the most part without life. In reality stargazers or astronomers have tracked down evidence of shrewd life on different planets. No matter what way that little knowledge is yet open information. The domain is not easily recognizable by our actual eyes. However, human power of vision can’t go into the sublime circles of these planets where devas, holy messengers, and higher creatures exist. 

Domains of Spheres in the Spiritual Universe

Similarly, on encompassing earth there are domains of presence occupied by ethereal creatures imperceptible to our eyes. Some exceptionally progressed and others limited by sad conditions (like ghosts), all planets have various spheres of presence. We can never acquire information on the multi-layered reality on earth with our actual eyes, so how is it that we could hope to go into the higher realities of different planets with them?

There are additionally various kinds of oceans on various planets in the material world. “Siddhanta-siromani”, an old vedic prophetic text portrays them as being of seven assortments:

1) an expanse of salt water

2) an expanse of milk

3) an expanse of curd

4) an expanse of ghee (explained spread)

5) an expanse of sugar stick juice

6) an expanse of alcohol

7) an expanse of sweet water

Our brains might shrug off such an origination of various sorts of seas and oceans. However, for what reason should any of these be more incredible than the ocean of salt water? Like we have here on the planet Earth…

About Various Lokas 

There are some additional timeless planets apparently arranges themselves inside this material universe. Yet they are unavailable all the time for individuals. The text “Laghu-Bhagavatamrita” portrays these everlasting planets as follows: “Above Rudra Loka, the planet of Lord Siva, is the planet naming Vishnuloka. It is 400,000 miles in boundary, and unavailable for any human living being. Over that Vishnuloka is a brilliant island naming Maha-Vishnuloka in the expanse of salt. Brahma and different mythical beings everytime go there to meet Lord Vishnu. Ruler Vishnu lies there with Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune). East of here is the “sea of milk” where inside is the island of Svetadvipa. And where Lord Vishnu dwells with Goddess Lakshmi. His supernatural island is 200,000 square miles and covered with want trees for the delight of the Supreme Lord.”

This planet is classified “Dhruva Loka” and we consider it to be the polestar. It is suppose to be 3,800,000 yojanas over the sun. One yojana is equivalent to 8 miles. Above Dhruva Loka by 10,000,000 yojanas is Maharloka. Above Maharloka by 20,000,000 yojanas is Janaloka. About 80,000,000 yojanas lies Tapaloka. More by 120,000,000 yojanas is Satyaloka. The Vaikuntha planets start 26,200,000 yojanas past Satyaloka.

What are Yojanas?

The sacred writing “Vishnu Purana” portrays that the external covering of the universe starts at 260,000,000 yojanas over the sun. Around 70,000 yojanas beneath the earth start the seven lower planetary frameworks of Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala, and Patala. Beneath these planets 30,000 yojanas is the Garbhodaka Ocean where Sesa Naga lies. This sea is 249,800,000 yojanas profound. This gives a surmised measurement of the universe as 500,000,000 yojanas or 4,000,000,000 miles. These distances determines by the distances between the planetary “planes” of presence. Real distances between planets might be more.

The higher planetary frameworks are the domains of devas, mythical beings, and holy messengers. Bhuvarloka is the home of spooky spirits. It is the lower planet. The lower planets are full of demonic awareness. And has large population of the snakes known as “Nagas”. The lower planets has the chance of improvement to the higher awareness. It incorporates progress learnedness. It begins with people and gradually increases among the occupants of higher planetary frameworks. The earth arranges itself near the centre of these planetary frameworks.

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